Wednesday 28 January 2009

The Penny Starts To Drop

Poor President Obama. The shine seems to be coming off his his Presidency after only a week. In a previous post (see post) we commented upon the impossibility of the task that he has set himself. This theme was taken up by The Economist this week (see article). It would appear that the strategy of seeming to please as many as possible on the way into office has created a problem of failing to please so many when in office.

I was out for a meeting this afternoon. As I drove home I managed to pick up a bit of the debate on the fiscal stimulus in Congress. Should the stimulus work through tax cuts? Should it work through increased Federal spending? If so, on infrastructure projects? Or on welfare projects? There certainly seemed to be a good deal to argue about. And yet, the supporters of each of these positions appeared to believe that the candidate Obama had promised support to their pet projects. President Obama appeared to be letting them down.

I think that is the basis of my Obamascepticism. He appears to have promised so many mutually exclusive entitlements to so many groups that he can only fail to deliver. And that is only within the US!

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